How Much Should I Charge to Clean a House: A Comprehensive Guide

House cleaning is a service that is in high demand, especially in busy cities where people have hectic lifestyles. As a professional cleaner, you might be wondering how much to charge for your cleaning services to attract clients while also ensuring that you earn a fair wage. In this article, we will discuss how much you should charge to clean a house, considering various factors that affect pricing.

Factors to Consider When Determining How Much to Charge to Clean a Home

When determining your rates for house cleaning services, there are several factors that you should consider. These factors will affect how much you should charge for your services. Here are the key factors to consider:

Type of Cleaning Required:

The type of cleaning required will determine how long the job will take and the level of skill and equipment needed. For example, basic cleaning tasks like dusting, vacuuming, and mopping will require less time and equipment compared to deep cleaning tasks like cleaning carpets, upholstery, and grout.

Size of the House:

The size of the house is another essential factor to consider when determining your rates. A larger home will require more time and effort to clean than a smaller one, and as such, you should charge more.

Frequency of Cleaning:

How often the house needs cleaning is another factor to consider when determining your rates. If you are providing regular cleaning services, you can offer discounted rates since you will be visiting the house frequently. However, if the cleaning is sporadic, you may need to charge more since you will spend more time on the job.


The location of the house is another important factor to consider. If the house is located in a high-end neighborhood, you can charge more since the clients are likely to have higher incomes. Similarly, if the home is located in a remote area, you may need to charge more to compensate for the travel time and costs.


The level of competition in your area is another factor to consider. If there are many cleaning service providers in your area, you may need to offer competitive rates to attract clients.

Your Experience and Skillset:

Your experience and skillset will also affect how much you can charge for your services. If you have many years of experience in the industry, you can charge more than someone just starting. Similarly, if you have specialized skills like cleaning carpets or upholstery, you can charge more for those services.

Considering these factors will help you set reasonable and competitive rates for your cleaning services. It’s important to note that your rates should also be fair to the clients, and you should strive to provide high-quality services to maintain a good reputation and attract more clients.

How to Calculate Your Hourly Cleaning Rate

Calculating your hourly rate is an important step in determining how much to charge for your house cleaning services. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your hourly rate:

Determine Your Monthly Expenses:

The first step is to determine your monthly expenses. This includes rent, utilities, equipment, cleaning supplies, insurance, and any other expenses related to your cleaning business.

Calculate Your Profit Margin:

Once you have determined your monthly expenses, you need to decide on your profit margin. Your profit margin is the money you want to earn on top of your costs. A profit margin of 20% to 30% is standard in the industry.

Estimate the Number of Hours You Can Work Each Week:

The next step is to estimate the number of hours you can work each week. This will depend on your availability, the number of clients, and how much work you can handle.

Divide Your Total Expenses by Your Weekly Working Hours:

To calculate your hourly rate, you need to divide your total expenses by your weekly working hours. For example, if your monthly expenses are $2,500, and you want to earn a 20% profit margin, you will need to earn $3,000 monthly. If you estimate that you can work 20 hours per week, your hourly rate would be $37.50 ($3,000/80 hours).

It’s Important to Remember

This is just a basic formula to calculate your hourly rate. Your actual rate may be higher or lower, depending on your experience level, the type of services you offer, and the competition in your area. It’s also important to consider the rates of other cleaning service providers in your area to ensure they are competitive.

If your hourly rate is higher than what your competitors are charging, you may need to re-evaluate your expenses and profit margin. On the other hand, if your rate is lower, you may want to consider increasing it to ensure you earn a fair wage for your services.

Calculating your hourly rate will help ensure you are charging a reasonable amount for your cleaning services. It’s important to remember that your rate should be fair to both you and your clients and that providing high-quality services is essential to building a successful cleaning business.

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Fixed vs. Hourly Cleaning Rates: Which One is Better?

When determining how much you should charge to clean a house, you have the option of offering either fixed or hourly rates. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific situation.

Fixed Cleaning Rates:

Fixed rates are predetermined prices that you charge your clients for your cleaning services. With fixed rates, your clients will know how much they will pay for the job before you start working.

Advantages of Fixed Cleaning Rates:

  • Predictable income: Fixed rates allow you to predict your income for each job, making it easier to budget and plan your business expenses.
  • Easy to quote: Fixed rates are easy to quote since you don’t have to estimate the amount of time the job will take. This makes it easier to provide quotes to potential clients quickly.
  • Client satisfaction: Fixed rates can help reduce client anxiety since they know the exact amount they will pay before the job is started.

Disadvantages of Fixed Cleaning Rates:

  • Risk of undercharging: Fixed rates can be risky if you underestimate the amount of time or effort required for a job. This could result in earning less than you should have for your services.
  • Risk of overcharging: On the other hand, if you overestimate the amount of time or effort required, you could end up charging more than what the job is worth, potentially losing clients.

Hourly Cleaning Rates:

With hourly rates, you charge your clients based on the time needed to complete the job. Hourly rates provide more flexibility than fixed rates, as you can adjust your rate depending on the job’s complexity.

Advantages of Hourly Cleaning Rates:

  • Fair compensation: Hourly rates ensure that you are paid for the exact amount of time you spend on the job, ensuring that you are fairly compensated for your services.
  • Flexibility: Hourly rates allow you to adjust your prices based on the complexity of the job, ensuring that you are earning a fair wage for your work.

Disadvantages of Hourly Cleaning Rates:

  • Complicated to quote: Hourly rates can be more challenging to quote since you have to estimate the amount of time the job will take, which can vary depending on the job’s complexity.
  • Client anxiety: Hourly rates can cause clients anxiety since they won’t know the exact amount they will pay until the job is completed.

Which one is better?

There is no definitive answer to whether fixed or hourly rates are better. The best option for you will depend on your personal preferences and your specific situation.

If you have a lot of experience in the industry, fixed rates may be a better option since you will have a good idea of how long each job takes. On the other hand, if you are starting, hourly rates may be a better option since you may not be as accurate in estimating the amount of time required for each job.

Ultimately, it’s important to choose the option that works best for you and your clients. Consider your experience, the complexity of the job, and your competition to determine the best pricing strategy for your cleaning services.

How Much to Charge for Additional Cleaning Services?

When offering cleaning services, you may want to consider providing additional services to your clients. Some additional services include oven cleaning, interior fridge, and blinds cleaning.

Here’s how you can set prices for these other services:

Oven Cleaning:

Oven cleaning can be time-consuming and requires specialized equipment, so it is often offered as an additional service. When setting prices for oven cleaning, consider the size and condition of the oven, as well as the level of cleaning required. For example, a standard range may require less time and effort than a larger, more complex oven. You may want to charge a fixed rate for this service based on the type and size of the oven.

Interior Fridge Cleaning:

Cleaning the interior of a fridge can be a delicate task that requires attention to detail. When setting prices for interior fridge cleaning, consider the size of the refrigerator and the level of cleaning needed. You may want to charge a fixed rate based on the fridge size or an hourly rate if the cleaning is particularly challenging.

Blinds Cleaning:

Blinds can be challenging to clean since they require a delicate touch and specialized equipment. When setting prices for blind cleaning, consider the number of blinds that need cleaning, the type of material, and the level of cleaning required. You may want to charge a fixed rate based on the number of blinds or an hourly rate if the cleaning is particularly challenging.

Deep Cleaning:

Deep cleaning is a more comprehensive cleaning service that goes beyond basic cleaning tasks. This can include cleaning hard-to-reach areas, like behind appliances and under furniture, as well as thorough cleaning of bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas. You can charge a premium rate for deep cleaning services, which require more time and effort.

Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning:

Move-in and move-out cleaning services are in high demand since they help make the moving process easier and less stressful. These services involve cleaning the entire house or apartment, including deep cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas. You can charge a fixed rate for move-in/move-out cleaning services based on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required.

Window Cleaning:

Window cleaning can be time-consuming and challenging, so it is often offered as an additional service. This service involves cleaning the interior and exterior of windows, as well as screens and tracks. You can charge a fixed rate for window cleaning based on the number and size of the windows.

Laundry Services:

Laundry services are a convenient option for clients who don’t have time to do their laundry. This service can include washing, drying, folding, and ironing clothes and linens. You can charge a per-pound or per-load rate for laundry services.

Organization Services:

Organization services are becoming increasingly popular as more people seek to declutter and simplify their lives. This service involves organizing and decluttering areas like closets, pantries, and garages. You can charge an hourly or fixed rate for organization services, depending on the size and complexity of the job.

It’s Important to Remember

Additional services should be priced reasonably and should provide value to your clients. Consider your competition and the rates of other cleaning service providers in your area when setting your prices. You may also want to offer package deals to encourage clients to use your additional services.

When setting prices for additional services, it’s important to communicate clearly with your clients. Ensure they understand what is included in each service and how much they can expect to pay. Being transparent about your prices and services will help build trust with your clients and encourage them to use your services again in the future.

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Should I charge extra for cleaning supplies?

One of the questions that cleaning service providers often face is whether they should charge extra for cleaning supplies. While there is no definitive answer to this question, here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to charge extra for cleaning supplies:

Type of Cleaning Supplies Used:

The type of cleaning supplies used can affect the cost of your services. If you use high-quality, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, they may cost more than standard cleaning supplies. In this case, it may be reasonable to charge extra to cover the cost of the supplies.

Size of the Job:

The job size is another factor to consider when deciding whether to charge extra for cleaning supplies. For small jobs, the cost of cleaning supplies may be minimal, and it may not make sense to charge extra. However, for larger jobs, cleaning supplies can add up quickly, and it may be necessary to charge extra to cover the cost.

Client Expectations:

Some clients may expect cleaning service providers to bring their supplies, while others may prefer to provide their own. If your clients expect you to bring your own supplies, you should factor in the cost of the supplies when setting your rates.


The level of competition in your area can also affect whether you should charge extra for cleaning supplies. If your competitors offer all-inclusive rates that include the cost of cleaning supplies, you may need to do the same to remain competitive. (work the costs into your “all-inclusive pricing”)

In general, whether or not to charge extra for cleaning supplies will depend on the specific situation. In most cases, you will work the costs of your supplies into your pricing.

Final Thoughts,

Determining how much to charge to clean a house can be a challenging task. However, by considering factors like the type of cleaning required, the size of the house, the frequency of cleaning, your location, competition, and your experience and skill set, you can set reasonable and competitive rates for your cleaning services.

When calculating your hourly rate, consider your monthly expenses, profit margin, and the number of hours you can work weekly. This will help ensure you earn a fair and competitive wage for your cleaning services.

You also have the option of offering fixed or hourly rates, depending on your personal preferences and situation. Fixed rates provide predictability and are easy to quote, while hourly rates ensure fair compensation and more flexibility.

Additional services like deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning, window cleaning, laundry, and organization services can also help differentiate your cleaning services from the competition and provide more value to your clients.

In conclusion, providing high-quality cleaning services at a reasonable and competitive price is essential to building a successful cleaning business. By considering the factors mentioned above, calculating your hourly rate, and offering additional services, you can attract more clients and create a positive reputation in the industry. Building trust with your clients by providing exceptional service is critical to long-term success.

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